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''What does the shape of your nose say about YOU?''

Nothing. The shape of your nose says absolutely nothing about you. Not about your outer beauty or your inner beauty, not about your character or your personality. Nope.. Contrary to the title of this post, your nose is not telling other people sneaky secrets about who you are as a person. Okay? So where am I going with this.. Well the other day, I was doing what I do, which is spending too much time on social-media.. And I came across an article titled; ''What does the shape of your nose say about you?'' It is one of those articles or quizzes, that tells you something about who you are as a person. We've all done them or seen the outcome of one on someones Facebook-timeline. It is always a very positive and easy to accept outcome. So we all like doing them and sharing them, you know ''because it is fun.'' Even though they're probably not as accurate as we hope. I've done them. I mean, heck I am the person who does the quizzes in magazines that tell me if ''I am a good lover or not.''

Don't get me wrong. I am not bashing on these quizzes and articles, those are all fun and games. But the other day I was reading in the book of Kings and it showed me the importance of good advice. The story is about a king who has a dilemma. He asks for counsel from these old and wise men and they give it to him. But for some reason that doesn't tickle the kings ears enough. So he abandons their counsel and talks to the young men he grew up with. They give him the complete opposite counsel and this sounds like a good idea to the king so he acts upon their advice. Big mistake.. The people do not take it well, in-fact they rebel against the king abandon him and take another man as their king. (1 Kings 12) Ouch.. This had me thinking, how often do I take the positive advice or compliments from random people as truth, just because it tickles my ears. When in reality, most of these people don't truly know me, just like the internet quizzes' can't truly make a good assessment about me and who I am as a person. My true friends know that I am not always loyal. That I don't always love people well and they will tell me the hard stuff if I ask them what to do in a situation, rather than what they know I want to hear. The hard stuff, but the truth.

The hard stuff, but the stuff that is going to make me a better wife, friend and hopefully for me a better follower of Jesus. Now I can go on living in ignorance, believing I am such a good wife, because some person observing a couple hours in my life told me so and since it's nice to hear, I receive it as truth. Or I can ask my husband, who will probably give me a better observed and truthful assessment. With the chance of him telling me some information that might hurt to hear. It might even take work to fix, but in time it will help me reap benefits and joy. Instead of frustration and pride.

So going onward from today, I choose to test the advice people give me. Are they tickling my ears or are they saying the hard thing that might sound ''bashful'' but is actually the more loving of the two. Likewise, am I giving advice and compliments just to tickle someones ears and this way be loved. Or am I sharing truths and this way actually being loving, even if it might start conflict..

I encourage you to seek truth in your life and the people that speak it, treasure those relationships, they're the ones who truly know what it means to love someone.

Love Sharon

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